

『間脳・下垂体レビュー2021』定価5,300円(税込)  初版年月日:2021年4月30日

■ 執筆者・監修者・コメンテーター一覧
(誤)鹿児島県立大島病院   (正)筑波大学医学医療系脳神経外科

■ 73ページ
『間脳・下垂体レビュー2021』P. 73

■ 176ページ
3) Casar‑Borota O, et al.: Immunohistochemistry for transcription factor T-Pit as a tool in diagnostics of corticotroph pituitary tumours. Pituitary 21:443, 2018
4) Nishioka H, et al.: The complementary role of transcription factors in the accurate diagnosis of clinically nonfunctioning pituitary ade-nomas. Endocr Pathol 26: 349–355, 2015
3) Nishioka H, et al.: The complementary role of transcription factors in the accurate diagnosis of clinically nonfunctioning pituitary ade-nomas. Endocr Pathol 26: 349–355, 2015
4) Casar‑Borota O, et al.: Immunohistochemistry for transcription factor T-Pit as a tool in diagnostics of corticotroph pituitary tumours. Pituitary 21:443, 2018